Cari Lowongan

31 July 2010


PT. ISPAT INDO is a Multinational PMA Steel Producing Company with operations in Sidoarjo and Gresik is looking for candidates to fulfill vacancies and new coming projects :

Requirements :
  • This is a mid to senior level position requiring self motivation, ownership and interaction with Top Management & Directors
  • S1/D3 in Engineering/Safety, Health & Environment with min. 2.75 GPA from a reputed university
  • Certificate holder of AK-3 (General)
  • Experience to take air, water and sound ambein sample and familier with government rules & regulations which related with Environment


PT. LINTECH DUTA PRATAMA, Surabaya is a fast growing company which has business focus in oil and gas, marine, mining, field equipment supplier, industrial engineering fabrication and construction.

Established in 1998 as a company and supported by qualified and experienced professional engineers from any industrial fields, specialized in engineering, design, fabrication/manufacturing and rubber lining for mining and other industrial projects.

PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur, Bandung

We are the biggest consumer goods company in Indonesia, is currently seeking Indonesia’s young professionals with high motivation and strong determination for the following positions:
This position will be posted in one of our subsidiary company (PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur – Nutrition & Special Foods Division)

Management Trainee (Manufacturing)

PT. Samsung Telecommunication Indonesia

PT. Samsung Telecommunication Indonesia, a company that focused on Telecommunication Network Business in Indonesia is seeking potential candidates to be employed as:


PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk

As a Trainee, you will be required to undergo an extensive and enhance in-class and out-class training to become SME Relationship Officer (RO). As RO, you are not solely concerned with bringing in new customers but also maintaining existing customers. You will ensure the delivery of revenue, both funding and lending assigned monthly and annually with supporting from Business Manager as your mentor.

Small Medium Enterprise
Relationship Officer Program

PT. Bank Rabobank International Indonesia (RII)

PT. Bank Rabobank International Indonesia (RII) is owned by Rabobank Nederland, the only privately owned bank in the world that is awarded Triple A ratings from both Standard & Poor's and Moody's. RII is an established Corporate and Commercial wholesale bank focusing primarily on the Food and Agribusiness (F & A), and just recently expanded its businesses to Retail and SME sectors.

Currently, we are offering an opportunity as below:

Customer Service Relationship (CSR)
(Jakarta Raya)

29 July 2010

PT. PELNI (Persero)

PT PELNI (Persero), BUMN yang bergerak di bidang pelayaran memberikan kesempatan kepada putra-putri terbaik Indonesia untuk berkarir sebagai :

1. Perwira Dek (PD)

PT. Bank Muamalat, Tbk

PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk was established in 24 Rabius Tsani 1412 H or November 1, 1991, endorsed by the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) and the Government of Indonesia, and commenced operations in 27 Syawwal 1412 H or May 1, 1992.


PT. HM Sampoerna, Tbk

PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco manufacturing companies in Indonesia. In 2009, Sampoerna held an overall market share of 29.1% of the Indonesian cigarette market and retained the number one market share position. At the end of 2009, Sampoerna and its subsidiaries employed approximately 28,300 people. As the inspiring local company, in May 2005 PT Philip Morris Indonesia, an affiliate of Philip Morris International, acquiring majority ownership of Sampoerna.


PT. LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, established in 1951, is a distributor and manufacturer of specialty and basic chemicals. In addition to its Jakarta head office, the Company has five branches and six representative offices in Indonesia as well as a main regional subsidiary in Singapore, and offices in China, Thailand and Vietnam to oversee Distribution activities. In Manufacturing, Lautan Luas established 17 production facilities in Indonesia, three in China and is building its first manufacturing facility in Vietnam.

For PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, this means sustaining a Total Quality Management mindset. Strong emphasis is placed on the cultivation of a learning culture, where employees take great pride and joy in being a part of a talent-focused organization. Our employees are provided internal and external training for both professional and personal development to ensure a highly crafted and learned talent base. More importantly, at Lautan Luas, each individual is challenged to deliver only the best, rewarded for exceeding objectives and encouraged to enjoy the journey of a successful career. Therefore, PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk challenges you to join us for the following opportunities:


Astra Motor is one of business units of PT. Astra International Tbk, which manages distribution, sales and after-sales service for Honda motorcycles as the main dealer in 11 of Indonesia’s region (out of 29 main dealers) and 101 direct outlets. Now, we are seeking for talented and high caliber candidates who are looking for more challenges and better future to join as Future Leader in the Astra Motor.

25 July 2010

TVONE Job Vacancies

Tanggal 14 Februari 2008, pukul 19.30 WIB, merupakan saat bersejarah karena untuk pertama kalinya tvOne mengudara. Peresmian dilakukan oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, tvOne menjadi stasiun tv pertama di Indonesia yang mendapatkan kesempatan untuk diresmikan dari Istana Presiden Republik Indonesia.

tvOne secara progresif menginspirasi masyarakat Indonesia yang berusia 15 tahun ke atas agar berpikiran maju dan melakukan perbaikan bagi diri sendiri serta masyarakat sekitar melalui program News and Sports yang dimilikinya.

MetroTV Job Vacancies

Upon its launch in 2000, Metro TV has a different concept than the other stations in Indonesia; even this station broadcast 24 hour a week, it focused its programs only for news around the world. In later years, it also broadcast entertainment programs, except for banned entertainment programs such as soap operas, some kind of drama or TV series, foreign reality shows, anime, and even kids programming. The comedy was shown in mid 2007, but then banned to be broadcasted on Metro TV since 2008.

RCTI Job Vacancies

RCTI is Indonesia's first privately owned television network and is based in West Jakarta. RCTI broadcasts Indonesian Idol. It also broadcasts sinetron (soap operas), films, news and current affairs, reality shows and religious programs. Its news and current affairs programs include Seputar Indonesia (Around Indonesia) and Buletin Malam (Nightly Bulletin)
Be our World Class Talents and experience

20 July 2010

PT. Adaro Indonesia

PT Adaro Indonesia operates under a Coal Cooperation Agreement with the Government of Indonesia which gives it the right to mine coal within its Agreement Area in the Tanjung district of Kalimantan Selatan Province until the year 2022 with Rights to extend by mutual agreement are available.

Lowongan BRI Syariah

PT. Bank BRI Syariah open up opportunities for an active profession be able to think analytically, critically, work independently and in teams, able to work in a strict dateline, to join and fill the position.

Resident Auditor:

Acer Vacancy

Acer Indonesia ranks among the world’s top ten branded PC vendors, designing and marketing easy, dependable IT solutions that empower people to reach their goals and enhance their lives. In 2000, Acer spun-off its manufacturing operation to focus on globally marketing its brand-name products: desktop and mobile PCs, servers and storage, displays,

18 July 2010

PT. Indosat, Tbk

PT Indosat , Tbk was established in 1967 as a foreign investment company to provide international telecommunications services in Indonesia, commencing its operations in 1969 with the inauguration of the Jatiluhur earth station. In1980, the Government of Indonesia acquired all of the shares of Indosat, which then became a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE). In 1994, Indosat listed its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange, the Surabaya Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange, achieving the distinction of being the first SOE to be listed overseas.

PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX)

PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) merupakan Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) yang berperan sebagai fasilitator dalam perkembangan Pasar Modal Indonesia. Dengan visi “Menjadi Bursa yang Kompetitif dengan Kredibilitas Tingkat Dunia”, kami terus memberikan perhatian besar bagi Sumber Daya Manusia kami. Saat ini kami mencari bakat-bakat terbaik yang memiliki minat untuk mengembangkan diri di bidang Pasar Modal untuk memenuhi posisi berikut:

17 July 2010


Lowongan Kerja Bank BTPN bulan Juni s/d 23 Juli 2010 di Jabodetabek, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Bandung, Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Aceh, Makasar, Surabaya
We invite highly motivated individuals like you to be part of our team as:

PT Kencana Mandiri Sejahtera Telecom (KMS Telekom)

PT Kencana Mandiri Sejahtera Telecom (KMS Telekom)
Cellular Telecommunications is engaged in, requires a young candidate who is ready to grow and work hard.
Engineer Ericsson and Nokia
(Jakarta Raya)

15 July 2010

Bank Ekonomi

Bank Ekonomi was first established in 1990, and has been member HSBC Group since May 2009.
As a member of the World's Local Bank, we would like to enlarge our business network and also give mutual advantage to customers.
We are proud to invite all smart, communicative and ambitious candidates to develop as:

Danone Aqua

It’s our aim here in Danone to be the world's fastest moving Food company, and today we focus in Dairy, Baby Foods, Beverages and Medical Nutrition with notion concept of health and well being products. Danone AQUA as a part of Danone Group, is a leading Beverage Company in Indonesia and no. 1 Water producer in the World, invites high competent professionals people to join our company as:

PT.Sophie Martin

We have been leading the fashion retail market in Indonesia for over 12 years running! With global ambitions and regional offices in the Philippines, Maroco, and our brand new Head Office building in Jakarta, we are inviting dynamic and entrepreneurial individuals to join us:

12 July 2010

XL Axiata

XL Axiata, is an Indonesia-based mobile telecommunications services operator. The operator's coverage includes Java, Bali and Lombok as well as the principal cities in and around Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. XL offers data communication, broadband Internet, mobile communication and 3G services over GSM 900, GSM 1800 networks.

Dompet Dhuafa

Dompet Dhuafa merupakan Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional pertama yang dikukuhkan oleh pemerintah. Berdiri sejak bulan Juli 1993 hingga kini terus eksist untuk membantu dan memberdayakan ummat. Tahun 2009 lebih dari 100 M dana Zakat, Infaq, Sedekah dan Kemanusiaan berhasil dihimpun oleh Divisi Resources Mobilization. Dana Zakat, Infaq, Sedekah dan Kemanusiaan yang dihimpun didayagunakan dalam bentuk program baik yang bersifat sosial atau bersifat pengembangan ekonomi. Sekurangnya 47.000 orang musahik telah menjadi pemetik manfaat dari Program Sosial dan Program Pengembangan Ekonomi Dompet Dhuafa tersebut.


A. Kriteria Pelamar
Warga Negera Indonesia (WNI)
Jenis kelamin : Pria dan Wanita
Sehat jasmani dan rohani serta tidak buta warna
Berkelakuan baik
Berijazah SLTA atau lebih dengan nilai rata-rata ijazah SLTA minimum 6,00

Perum Pegadaian

Perum Pegadaian mengundang putra-putri terbaik Indonesia yang berkualitas, memiliki komitmen, integritas dan moralitas tinggi serta sanggup bekerja keras untuk bergabung sebagai Pegawai Tetap dalam posisi Penaksir yang akan ditempatkan di wilayah Sulawesi, Kepulauan Maluku dan Papua. Kriteria yang harus dipenuhi adalah sebagai berikut :



"Kami Peduli untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga kurang mampu"

BTPN memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 50 tahun menjalankan bisnis dengan kinerja unggul.
Kini, melalui BTPN unit Usaha Syariah kami peduli dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat.
Program kami adalah melakukan kegiatan pemberdayaan bagi keluarga kurang mampu melalui pengembangan usaha dan pelatihan, di daerah Serang dan Pandeglang-Banten.


PT. PLN adalah perusahaan BUMN yang bergerak dalam bidang ketenagalistrikan dan merupakan satu-satunya penyedia listrik di Indonesia.
Di bulan Juli ini PT PLN kembali mengadakan rekrutmen pegawai untuk lulusan D3 dan S1.

PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX)

PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) merupakan Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) yang berperan sebagai fasilitator dalam perkembangan Pasar Modal Indonesia. Dengan visi “Menjadi Bursa yang Kompetitif dengan Kredibilitas Tingkat Dunia”, kami terus memberikan perhatian besar bagi Sumber Daya Manusia kami. Saat ini kami mencari bakat-bakat terbaik yang memiliki minat untuk mengembangkan diri di bidang Pasar Modal untuk memenuhi posisi berikut:


PT SANYO SALES INDONESIA adalah sebuah perusahaan Trading yang berlokasi didaerah Sunter. Saat ini, Perusahaan kami sedang mencari SECRETARIS DIREKSI dengan persyaratan sbb:


Home System

Divisi Kontraktor:

1. Perusahaan bergerak di bidang:
2. Pengadaan, instalasi dan konsultasi bahan bangunan, khususnya pintu kayu, kitchen set, kaca dan hardware.